Who has actually listened to DVD audio?

I hear alot of gib jab about SACD and the future of digital sound as DVD-A. Has anyone actually listened to this format, and what is your opinion of the 2-channel sound of SACD and DVD-A vs. vinyl on a good system?
Wow, are they ever going to get digital to dound like good vinyl? there is so much more information available to the DVD format, you would think this would be a great format to do so since the technology is in place for the movies? I would love to have true analog sound in digital simplicity.
Having SACD in my system, my feeling is that it is getting closer to analog than I thought digital ever could get. It will probably not replace my vinyl, which still is warmer sounding, but it does have the ease and openness you get from vinyl. Someone said that SACD doesn't sound like analog, it sounds like the master tape, and that's probably right. Be careful, though, because you may not like what is on the master tape. As far as DVD-A, I haven't heard it yet, and I doubt that there will be players for a while which can take full advantage of that format, since the manufacturers are not letting a 24/96 signal out of the digital out on those players so you're going to be stuck with what will likely for the immediate future be mid-fi analog stages and power supplies. I imagine if it matures it will sound very good, as the 24/96 discs I have heard from Classic and Chesky in my system are stunningly good with a good 24/96 DAC, on the same playing field with SACD. I'd prefer more of the Classic and Chesky DADs, which can be played through a good DAC now, but I fear that DVD-A may have put an end to those discs.
It's like I've said before. DVD-A has been around for a while in the DAD format and from Chesky. The DVD-A spec allows for it. Not a very efficient method of packing 24/96 data onto a disk but it's there and it works....beautifully too. It's just that the multi-channel format has not popped out due to endless haggling over encryption. Now let's see if the encryption camp can shoot off the other foot.
Personaly for me, SACD or DVD-A or what ever else comes out, is not a concern for me. I have put together a very good sounding system using CD as the main music source. Guess its a forgiving sound because all material sounds good with no digital fatigue and very smooth and dyanamic sound that sounds very analog in sound. This was not true before i upgraded every component and speakers and cable incl PC's. The sound was digital and fatiguing making many CD's unlistenable. Making intelligent choices in equipment, placement, etc has resulted in great sound with all material. I have owned 24/96 and software and gave it up putting together a much better sounding conventional setup and will let the mass market be the ginney pigs for a new format that will take years to perfect including avail software. In the meantime i am enjoying terrific sound and don't care for any new format in the near future.
I have and it is awesome. We got in the new Rotel RDV-1080 and I just received the new Beethoven Symphonies by Barenboim. The sound is very smooth and spacious. The surround field is not agressive but enveloping. This has been worth waiting for. (Note: for true DVD-A, you must have an analog six channel input on your pre-amp. The decoder is only found in the machines).