Who is the WORST Audio Shop?

There seems to have been quite a bit written over the past several years regarding the myriad of reasons one can attribute to the demise of the brick and mortar audio shop. Rarely have I read however one of the most obvious reasons, which based on my experience, has got to be the simple fact that for the most part, they just didn't offer a high end listening experience. That, along with an elitist and careless attitude towards customer service, buried them as much as anything else. So here's my question. Who is the WORST audio shop/dealer you've ever encountered?
Another vote for Sound by Singer in NYC. Andy singer is an arrogant pr**k. I don't know how he stays in business.

Not returning to a rude retailer is indeed the best course of action but letting them know your experience is necessary. 

While unrelated to audio, I had an experience with a "premium" car dealer that was so over-the-top miserable that when I bought another make later that afternoon I returned to the former with a copy of my bill of sale, leaving it on the GM's desk.  

For Andy Singer to be in business requires to be large size S-hole and this is what holds him in business, because the larger of an S-hole you are or the deeper you 'stick it in...', the larger respect you get and the clientele with larger wallet. That's typical NYC kultura

"Hey get outa here -- your wallet size is too small for this establishment!!"

"Worst for what? Attitude? If so, two New York City shops excel at that, Lyric and Singer. I encourage all to visit those shops and check them out. Oh, you must bring your bank statements showing at least $1.5 million as a balance, otherwise they will not be able to sell you anything. It does help if you are also an investment banker or hedge fund director."

Buconero117, you must know someone there or be on the "approved list of highly valued customers"  They made me show $2.0 million on my bank statement!

I understand both sides of the game here.  I don't go to audition anything unless I am going to pay the dealer prices.  I know a few retailers in Mew Jersey and I also repair equipment for them.  I won't even take home a demo or used component as I know I won't typically buy something from them.  Too many people go there to hear a particular product knowing that they want to use the audition to help them make up their mind about a few speakers they are interested in and then go to the used market online to get the speakers they decide upon.  I is a huge disappointment to the dealer and a big waste of time.  Yes, a business should show more interest in help people for future sales, etc., but how many here have gone to a dealer to audition and never purchased anything from them.  Living in the NYC area where there a several audio clubs, I can hear so much equipment without going to a dealer so I am a lucky SOB without bothering the local dealers.

Happy Listening.  
can we get any support for either Chicagoans being as nasty NYers, or for Chicago audio shops being as bad as the NY ones?