who needs a cd player anymore

I have not used my 2 cd players in over a year and i don't miss them. I have a krell kid ipod player, msb ilink and wadia i170 all ipod based. The real advantage is not having to search though hundreds of cd and wasting time on finding songs. On one ipod touch 32 GB i have over 3,000 itunes plus songs on it. On my other ipod i have apple lossless music only. My point when you lose your cd player and go to a music server, ipod etc. you can enjoy so much more music and thats what its really about.
Of course, if you have your CD's properly organized, finding them is not an issue. Personally, I don't know 3000 songs I want to hear on a regular basis so having that many songs stored on a server is pointless to me. At any given time, I have about 20 CD's in regular rotation and its not a problem getting my hands on them. If I just want to a have a bunch of songs playing in rotation, I pick a good station on Pandora or one of my favorite internet radio stations and play them through my squeezebox. This is a personal preference thing and there's no right or wrong. You must realize that there are many vinyl enthusiasts here whose listening routine is 180 degrees opposite of yours. Different strokes for different folks.
Mavbe some of us still enjoy that part of the hobby like when we used to sift through albums.

You've found something that works for you, and that's great.

Do you have a back-up plan if your storage drives take a dump and lose your data?
I do,especially when the quality of the Music is way better.
I don't mind looking for a certain cd as I'm there hopefully
to be transported musically somewhere else,especially with LPS.True enough different strokes for different folks.
We have hundereds of thousands of cds and lps,where the sound
just way superior,of course I still listen to my AM radio in my van.
My cdp is a Bryston BCD-1 and she brought new life to my cds,
and for LPs I use a Clearaudio champion II with a 1200 Allnic PH stage.Definately an improvent over AM or FM.
I was thinking of trying out a BDA-1 dac and trying out a friends I-pod thru her and she what improvement she'll give out.I read a few reviews where the BDA-1 vastly improved the sound quality,that might be another option to get with the times. I'm after music quality first and not convenience,maybe I can have both,we'll see.
I listen to my 2 CDPs almost every day. One is for Redbook and one is for SACD. I've considered music servers, hooking up an iPod (all three of my kids have one). My house is fully wired for a gigabit backbone. But really don't have the desire for file based music.

At the core, I think it's because I work with computers all day every day. When I'm home relaxing and LISTENING TO THE MUSIC, I don't want to have anything to do with computers: ripping, downloading, cataloging, backing-up, etc.

Nope, I'm just not interested. Happy it's working out so well for you. No doubt it's the future of audio. Enjoy.