who needs a cd player anymore

I have not used my 2 cd players in over a year and i don't miss them. I have a krell kid ipod player, msb ilink and wadia i170 all ipod based. The real advantage is not having to search though hundreds of cd and wasting time on finding songs. On one ipod touch 32 GB i have over 3,000 itunes plus songs on it. On my other ipod i have apple lossless music only. My point when you lose your cd player and go to a music server, ipod etc. you can enjoy so much more music and thats what its really about.
Jvcvcrman08 nice, I bet the escient mk2 is so much easier than all those maga cd changers.
since my audio aero (phillips transport) gave up the ghost I've been using my old Cal Audio Icon for cds - do I really need more?

need to get a new player, but then I play vinyl 4 to 1 when home. I do have a wadia ipod transport hooked up to my home theatre setup - but all the stuff I loaded to my ipod was in mp3 mode

I'm looking to do vinyl drops on my analog front end - to get the best solution - but I'd probably do that at high res 88 or 96 khz - not sure if we are there yet, but will be

storage is cheap, most non audiophiles are fine with mp3
so manufacturers are not going to go big for us

anybody doing high res digital at home - I'd be interested in your solutions
As of about 1 year ago 150,000,000 iPods have been sold and last June hit 5 Billion music downloads, CD's are obsolete and CD players will fade away. Think film cameras, sure they won't go away completely but the landscape will change dramatically in favor of a fully digital distribution model. The only reason I buy CD's is access to the high resolution files to rip to my hard drive.

Unlike my CD player my server based system allows access a 9,000+ song library anywhere I have access to a wifi network on my iPod touch (which also serves as an iTunes remote control) and most of the lossless library is on a 160 GB iPod Classic for the gym, car, airplanes, etc. At home I have a USB dac on my main system, a Squeezebox in a bedroom system.

No need to be defensive of CD players or critical of server based systems, as always in this hobby, YMMV
03-08-09: Eastein
CD's are obsolete and CD players will fade away.

The same thing was said of LPs and record players, VCRs and other technology that's still around. Perhaps some are saying the same thing about books now that Amazon is onto the second version of Kindle.

Absolutism is dangerous, and more often incorrect than correct.