Who R U?

A while back Garfish mentioned he lked the idea of getting to know some of us better.As no one has started a thread like this before I will take the plunge.I have been involved in and read many heated exchanges here in AudioGon.I hope no one attacks me for this thread saying "who cares about you,this is audio" Anyway,Im 45 and live in W.N.Y.I have never been married but have a music loving 11 year old daughter who lives with me.I have been a nurse for 20 years.Before that I was a Navy Corpsman for several years.I recently became engaged (first time) to a beautiful 30 year old music loving woman.At my age a 30 year old is a keeper and I have never been happier!! My other interests??Im into vinyl,who has time for anything else??
Evo- Sorry to hear your troubles; hope that music and this hobby give you some pleasure. Anyways, we are happy to have you aboard and anxious to learn from you and offer any advice, help, whatever we can.
My name is Tom.I'm 38 and have been interested in audio since I was 16.I've worked on the fringe of audio for some time.Have helped Terrasong with phono design,Yankee audio with his reference system and worked at Salon 1 Audio before it expired.In 98 I helped Lloyd Walker at the CES{Alexis Park}.I have a wide interest in muic.I was firmly in the analoge camp before the arrival of Burmesters cdp001.I still love records but you can't beat the simplicity of CD--Oh well!Tom,Hope that's a good start!
get on in here, tom! happy to welcome you to the internet's finest audio pub. -kelly
Kelly ,Do you have any experience with other Hi-end cables?Valhalla,Stealth,Tara Zero,Omega Mikros'Ebony?Wondered about comparisons.Thanks for the welcome.Tom
Calling all N.E. ohio audiophiles ,are you out there? It's hard finding others who share this hobby.If you are within 60 miles of Cleveland ,give me a shout. Tom