Who's your guitar daddy now?

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JM has a LONG way to go before being considered "guitar daddy"...... 'specially on that song........ yawn...
"JM has a LONG way to go before being considered "guitar daddy"

Is he even old enough to be a "daddy"?
Jlamb - I do have one album by El Nino Josele, "Calle Ancha," and, while he's a great player, I don't find it completely engaging and my mind tends to wander, something that never happens with Paco de Lucia. I'm certainly not very knowledgeable about flamenco, thanks for the suggestion of Paco Pena.
Not sure about that Map, but there is a kid here in N. Texas. I think he's about 16, maybe 17 now, that blows JM, and many others, away. I first heard/saw him when he was 14-15. Not only did he have the technical ability down, he had the soul of the music, the timing, etc. Sometimes it's what you don't play that matters.

His name is Tyler Dow Bryant. He's won the Robert Johnson blues award.

I've got a picture of me with him, plus an autographed CD.

Check him out......

I've heard lots of people say this about Clapton, presumably because he combines a rather traditional blues approach with limited (compared to some others) technique. But he really has a ton of heart and truly beautiful tone. A player like -say- Steve Vai may have much more technique and maybe a more innovative voice, as well. No shot at Vai, but, personally, I'd prefer to sit and listen to Clapton every time. I'd also rather listen to Janis Joplin sing the phone book before Barbra Streisand sing anything she chooses. Barbra's got the voice, but JJ's got the soul. Just my $.02
