Why do Asian looks for old Wadia CDP at high price?

I recently sold my Wadia 861 for a Vietnamese at unbelievable price.  The question keep popping up on my mind why do Asians (Vietnamese) interested in the Wadia CDP too much even at very high price. Many nowadays CDP has better quality with up-to-date technologies on sound distortion deductions.

We have been used Wadia for around 2 decades ago and it's time to put them on retirement but they treat as treasures. I was so surprised about that. Wish I could have more Wadia CDP to sell to them in order to make some extra bucks.
Nearly all old Wadia’s/ML’s/Theta’s, had R2R Ladder Multibit D to A converters done right, it’s the best way to convert RedBook CD (pcm) 16/44 or 24/96.
I’ve sold many to them being the same mains voltage as Australia, they still love their CD’s as do I, and want the best way to get the best sound from them.

Cheers George
This is a really good question. I think it pertains to a lot more than just Wadia CD players. I wonder if even the people in question even know why they like them. Maybe the name is appealing to them in their language? I have an LP by a man named David Wiffin titled "Live at the Bunkhouse". It has commanded a ton of money in Japan. Why??? It's only one guy and his guitar singing folk standards. (They only pressed 100 of these). It's OK but nothing to get exited about. Oh well. Does anyone want to buy some beanie babies? (My dad bought a bunch of them). Joe