Why don't gold based cable fans try Synergistic

I am looking to try new cables and have been reading the archives in cable forums on all the great cable recommendations. I'm trying to get a handle on how the Synergistic Tesla range that I once owned compare to the gold based cable offerings.

However for some strange reason hardly any of the members here who seem to have tried the various gold based faves (Gabriel Gold, Jade, KCI, Purist and others) have not been tempted to try the popular Synergistic cables and not much here in the way of comparisons. I am not sure why but there seems to be two camps.

Anyways hoping to get a comparison as I had the Tesla Accelerators in my system for a short while and wonder if the gold based cables have the same naturalness, depth of soundstage, air and separation of the Teslas. I should add that as good as the Accelerators were sound wise I did not like the idea of introducing more electricity into my system with the active shielding hence looking for comparable alternatives.
Thanks John... it appears from where I'm already at a quite substantial investment will be required here... if this gold approach is truly something more akin to my own ear, yet prevails to infuse more naturalness. I see natural or organic as what I strive for while not sacrificing dynamics or having the sound become overtly resolute and clinical. I believe music does possess an inner 'color' or 'glow' which I do not wish to attenuate merely for greater ambience retrevial or resolution.

I think we all know or should know by now, it's that line between musical involvment and simple strident recreations which leave out nothing and thus become distracting and clinical.

Think I'm gonna begin with speaker cables first as I'm going to move my power line into the listening room following relocating some of my dedicated ckts.
Blindjim, you mentioned that someone would inherently need to use SR throughout their system. Why is this so? I've been looking into SR and wondering if the active shield would cause interference in adjacent cables that aren't well shielded. Is this what you're talking about?
Bigamp, I do use SR shielding throughout. Remember that the shielding is dc.I don't know how they would interfere with other cables. I did early on use the SR ics with other cables and noticed no problems. I also used for a while with other speakerwires. Again with no problems. As Ted Denney said once you have heard how quiet and dynamic a shielded system is, you don't want to be without it.

The one thing I don't like is all the blue leds. My room looks like a moonscape at night.
Tbg... I talked with Elliot about the LEDs.... he wraps them with electrical tape...and that's what I've done. Works great.

Most of the SR cables are silver....