Why is 2 Channel better than multi-channel?

I hear that the music fidelity of a multi-channel AV Receiver/Integrated amp can never match the sounds produced by a 2 channel system. Can someone clearly explain why this is so?

I'm planning to upgrade my HT system to try and achieve the best of both worlds, I currently have a 3 channel amp driving my SL, SR, C and a 2 channel amp driving my L and R.
I have a Denon 3801 acting as my pre. Is there any Pre/Proc out there that can merge both worlds with out breaking my bank? Looking for recommendations on what my next logical steps should be? Thanks in advance.

There is nothing uncivilized about my post, I was just stating a fact that my two channel system likely rivals or is better than yours.


My experience is equal to yours on what two channel can do, where we disagree is with the finer points of surround sound. So when I say no problem with the image, surround improves the musical experience I have a common basis from which to draw to relate to your experiences with the quality of two channel.

In your case you have not even begun to understand the basics of a surround system. You wouldn't know where to start to build one properly. Nor would you know how to go about determining if the equipment you wished to use would be adequate to the task.


You do not own the equivalent surround system to those you are in discussion with, ie Me & ElDart. Which by all sense of good manners means you must concede to our opinion until you have in your opinion researched and gained greater experience in these matters. Eldartford and I are not discussing what we think, we are telling you what we KNOW. Too bad you have had some difficulty discerning the difference.

If you had made a statement that I did not have direct experience with but I had a doubt. Before I got passive aggressive I would check it out and have the politeness to withold my initial reaction until I could confirm or disprove your comment. Funny thing is, I would likely learn something.

Lastly. did you ever consider that the snake oil message here is two channel is good enough? Mdhoover pretty much says it all doesn't he?

"like lemmings packed into shiny metal boxes..."

WOW, the condescending tone just rattles on.... in full surround!!!! I'll post more later on.

I'm sorry you feel I'm talking down to you, but I am attempting to make my message as clear as possible.

I felt I needed to spell out my point succinctly as you seem unable at this time to grasp where I was coming from.
I didn't want you to feel unnecessarily insulted. But you did ask this question after a more than thorough explanation.

"What purpose does a center speaker provide then other than more clarity of oral discourse or dissertation that is in synch with the performers on the screen?"

Let me help you out with an answer because it's in your question...."more clarity", if can make dialogue more clear then it can make the violins in an orchestra more clear too. A center channel is an opportunity not an obstacle.


Let me advise you that unless you can cram 12 years of installation, design and years of research and training between now and your next post you shouldn't waste your time. I KNOW what I'm talking about and there is no clever cliche audiophile end run for you to get around me, nothing you can say that will stump me or even make me take a step back. So don't waste our time with another stab at justification and just get on with it. If you have questions I'll answer, sorry if it rubs you the wrong way but behind this cyber text is an expert in this field and believe it or not there is such a thing. I don't doubt your experiences that led you to your opinion but what I and Eldart. are trying to tell you is that surround has much more to offer than what you have experienced.

Fact is every moment of your everyday life is in surround why not play your music back that way?
Landok...Perhaps I have an unfair advantage because I remember when stereo was introduced, and the outcry from some audiophiles was a lot like what we hear today about multichannel. I can look at this thread with some amusement. In time you will come along.
FWIW, I also read condescension into your original post and was appalled. Apparently I got that wrong, and I apologize for that. I do NOT doubt that you are an expert on home theater and surround sound, and I also realize (fully) that I am NOT. Your intelligence and experience are obvious (Eldartford's and Landok's too, and lots of others', for that matter). We all just need to be careful how we word things (myself included--!!!!), because it's easy to be misunderstood, particularly when a person has only written words to look at and cannot see the expression on the writer's face, hear the tone, etc. This is such a great site full of REALLY smart people, I just don't want to see things go downhill unnecessarily.

In the words of Rodney King: "Can't we all just get ALONG?!"

p.s. I am NOT being sarcastic with that quote. I think it's very powerful and incisive, and did not deserve to be mocked on "In Living Color."