Why is the trend to make separate phono stage

Why is the trend to make a separate phono stage. Say a high end pre-amp such as Audio Research Reference 2 you need to spend $ 10,000 for a line stage and another $ 7,000 for the reference phono stage. Almost every manufacturer has started to separate the two components. Is this to make more money selling two boxes or has technology gotten so sophisticated that it needs to be separate or lastly maybe only 25 % or less of the buyers want phono, so the manufacturer focuses on the 75 % population that need a line pre-amp. For us oldies it used to be easy to add a MC/MM board to the pre-amp to add the phone section. What happened??
Semi, a good phono section is not a small circuit that manufacterers slap into a pre-amp. A reasonable phono section is a very complex piece of electronics, not an afterthought. A good one is much more complex.

A phono section is probably the most complex piece in most systems. Any error in that piece would be magnified by the pre-amp and the amp, making it painfully obvious when listening

My phono section would not fit inside my pre-amp, and I have a single box phono!

You can keep buying mass market junk at Good Guys or Circuit City, but don't fool yourself into thinking you are getting 'high end' electronics!
for over 30 years hi fi manufacturers included a phono section of superior quality in all stereo preamps and integrated amps. they were built to RIAA standards and fundamentally no different than the ones that are sold today which still adhere to those standards. after all they were the primary source of sound . are some better than others?..sure..but none is complex enough to warrant overcharging consumers. most high priced phono pres don't even have phono equalization, which was in high demand by audiophiles who considered vinyl their primary interest.
Jrd351 many changes and improvements have been make in turntables, arms, and cartridges, not to mention phono stages over the last 30 years.

I have had many pre-amps over the years. They continued to sound better as I bought better quality equipment. The sound of the phono stages changed a lot over the years. The RIAA curve has remained constant, but everything else has improved.

If you are content to listen to an older and inferior phono stage that's fine. More power to you! There is no reason though, to claim that the sonic improvements made in the last 30 years do not exist.

Fundimentally amps, pre-amps, and speakers are the same as they were 30 years ago. A cursory glance with however reveal that the details have changed dramatically.
the cost of the materials has actually become far less expensive,because those materials are primarily from china today. i'm not saying the quality of those materials isn't as good, i'm saying a separate phono pre of quality is one of the biggest 'margin' items in home entertainment and it shouldn't be ..it should be a fundamental part of any true high end pre,integrated or receiver. offering value in our hobby is the last thing on most manufacturers' minds .
More preamp manufacturers should offer an integral phono section at least as an option. This does occur in some instances but at an appalling low rate.