Why so much????

In response to a post appearing here yesterday a number of 'AGon-people' claimed to have CD and vinyl collections numbering in the hundreds and even thousands. Other posters questioned the need for so much music (impossible to listen to all of it!) while others spoke of a pissing contest among the 'overly endowed'.
Your thoughts are requested for the following questions:
1) How much is too much?
2) To those with so much...Why? What's your rationale?
3) Are you crazy?

Just curious. I'll give my thoughts later.
Why would any one care how or why anyone else chooses to spend their money, let alone find it necessary to comment on it? As far as this hobby goes I'd far rather spend my money on software I can listen to, even if only occasionally, or even if only kept for reference, than hardware that comes and goes with the seasons, but that is my choice. If you want to spend all of your money on hardware and only listen to 2 pieces of music thats yours. And if you don't want to spend money on either, find another hobby. Personally, when I read comments from folks who question "conspicious consumption" I think of words like envy and jealosy and classless.
1) Too much is when all the great music is purchased and one is then buying only mediocre music (to his/her ears) -- I suspect that is in the thousands somewhere.

2) Great music is its own reward -- that's why I am in the hobby.

3) Absolutely. Otherwise I wouldn't be in this hobby.
In the case of classical music there is reason to have several recordings of the same piece. Particularly for concertos, there are many excellent soloists who have different interpretations, and it is interesting to compare them.
I agree with Kal.

I usually buy music that I want, because I have actually heard it either at a friends (house or car), or on the radio. If I bought it, why not keep it. Storage is not that big a deal. (Even if I put them in boxes in the closet, which I do with my less listened to music.)

I never sell used CDs or LPs. Therefore, the collection just grows. (The only time I get rid of music is if somebody recommends I try something, and I really don't like it. At that point, I will give it away. It is extremely rare that that happens though. (I can only remember giving away my Styx collection and trading a Steve Miller Album for some other album. That happened 20 years or so.)