Will a Full Page Ad Guarantee a Review?

Do you think there is a correlation between the two? Zucable has a full page ad in a major pub. How many months will that have to run to guarantee a review?
hi plato, there is evidence that a manufacturer aware that a review is in progress, offers to advertise.
Mrtennis, the key word in your statement was "guarantee" and also the length of the advertising term, and the answer is still "NO". Because it may happen now and then is far from a "guarantee" in every situation... I hope you're enjoying your day. I am -- I just made a couple of minor adjustments to my system and it's sounding quite lovely. :)
There is probably some validity to the idea that it "looks like something is going on" because one of the published criteria (by Stereophile) for selecting review products is that the company be well-established. This is common sense because they don't want to review products that nobody can find or won't be supported a year from now because the company turned out to be something of a fly-by-night operation. That being said, a good sign that a company is well-established is that they advertise in the major publications.
This calls for an Oliver Stone movie.

I'm thinking Sam Tellig hung out with Oswald, who, besides collecting curtain rods, was into the same S.E.T.amps Sam liked in '63. That means- obviously- Sam and Oswald spent time together and Sam soon became a Patsy just like Lee Harvey. But Sam was an Audio Industry Patsy, having dropped out of the Fair Play For Cuba club.

In later years, Sam was sent to infiltrate the Stereophile staff,leading to the hiring of Art Dudley- an obvious communist.

Sam's love for SET means, as a Patsy, he's drawn to highly efficient speakers- like ZU!

See how it all fits together so perfectly?
Every single commodity is marketed by purchased influence, but not our beloved audio gear. Nahhh...that would never happen in our world. All reviewers choose to write about whichever products they want, right?