Will a subwoofer add depth and clarity to my system, or just bass?

hi folks,
I just purchased a set of Focal Aria 906 speakers with stand, powered by a Bluestream PowerNode (not my ideal system but I had a limited budget).  I think it sounds really good, but am wondering if an upgrade to a subwoofer is worth it, and if so, what would pair well with this system -- my audio guy recommended the JL Audio D110 10" Dominion Subwoofer, but that's out of my price range.  Perhaps a SVSPB1000, for $499?  My room isn't very big, and I don't use the system for movies, just listening to mostly jazz and rock (and classical).
Thank you!
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     Woops, forgot about room correction.  You can run bass room correction optimized to your listening seat as part of step#6 above.  It should just further fine tune bass response at your listening seat but will have little to no affect of improving bass response elsewhere in the room.

Yes a very good quality sub at least in the $1k andup club 
will give great precision in the Bass and bass fundamentals 
up tothe midrange  which for sure adds depth and coherence to the musical performance.
hi folks,
Many thanks to all of you for your advice and recommendations.  I have a lot to learn about optimizing music and sound in general.

I'm just back into good audio after earlier stints with Vandersteen speakers and Grado RS-1 phones, but with a limited budget.  So all of this information is really helpful.  I suppose one rule to follow is... audition a piece of equipment and if it doesn't do it then return it (easier with a store nearby).  Given my small budget I may start with the SVS SB1000 and perhaps try the 2000 if that becomes possible.  My understanding is that the SVS line is the best at this price point (under $1000).  

Tim, thank you for your detailed information about setting up the system. hat will take some time, but it appears to be time well spent in really getting the right balance.  It helped a lot.

I really like how the speakers sound, and the PowerNode II with Bluos app running Tidal CD quality tracks is easy to use.  But this set of comments reinforces the idea that a sub is the way to go to make the system really sing.
thank you!
Look into Rythmik subs. Powered, servo controlled, with a good set of adjustments available, not very expensive. I made heavy sealed boxes for a couple of their 12" kit. They also sell finished subs. Also look into their double 8" subs, also servo controlled. These have the advantage of being able to play higher (to 150Hz, easily) which could be an advantage with standmounts.