Will Creek 5350 SE drive Magnepan 1.6QR?

Will my Creek 5350SE drive a pair of magnepan 1.6QRs? Room size is 25*12. If not could you recommend an amp for around $800-1000 to drive the maggies.
Yes indeed, as to the used Bryston 4B. Twill do the job. I used that for my Magnaplanar Tympani 1-Ds years ago. They sounded even better with bridged Brystons. Maggies need oodles of watts. Quality watts come with a price. Forget the Creek. For your Maggies, it'll be like running the hundred yard dash breathing through a cocktail straw. You'll be one unhappy customer.
I used an Anthem MCA-2 channel for about 2 years with my 1.6's and had plenty of power. Smooth sound very good low end a solid performer. Use a good solid strand power cord like a Virtual Dynamics and you could live with it for a good long time.
You can find them for about $500.00 on this site.
I now use a Sim W-5 but is a little pricey for you just now.
Remember.,,get the best possible component you can afford even if you can't cause you'll just end up trading anyways which is also part of the game .
One thing about the Maggies the better the gear up front the better they will sound.You'll never outclass them except maybe the 3.6's or 20's
Warren, I am pretty sure 200 watts per channel.
There is also a 3 channel and 5 channel. And all use the same transformer so all the sections are the same and are interchangable. They also have a trigger on to save power when idling.
200 watts: there you go. 'tis what you need for Maggies. The more the merrier with Maggies....