Will the Big Ben improve the 24 MXL?

I don't know if i should purchase one or not?
further testing in my system (since this thread started) has proven jitter interfaces do NOT help the AL 24MXL Dac, and so I agree with Rcprince. That says a hell of a lot about Jerry's design and superb re-clocking doesn't it? EVERY other high-end digital setup I have had (and I have had many, including EMM) benefitted from a jitter reduction interface (yes, I have had the Purcell among others), but the AL Dac sounds best without it- a great testament to a design that doesnt' need any re-clocking/jitter-reduction interface 'help'...

I CAN say that the Marigo Apparation 5.7 Sig dig. cable definitely brought it to the highest level possible though.

RC- I am a bit jealous with that Forsell transport I gotta say! My Vecteur L-4 is very good, a solid phillips drive with excellent build, but yours as well as CEC TLXX's are others that I am curious about (as well as the superb Spectral SDR3000 VRDS tank I used to own- that was awesome with the Audio Note 3.1x Balanced dac).

Oh, and RC- btw, I had a nice long chat with Jerry O yesterday- after I found through extensive testing in my and a friend's ultra-revealing horn-based system that believe it or not, the SINGLE-ended analog outputs from the AL 24MXL sound better (yes, that's a subjective term- let's say more 'emotional') than the xlr outs...

Dang! Now i have to sell the Lens too. This unit was originally used in an all DCS system(Verona included) and was factory modified to pass 48khz. here's a queston that i have'nt seen: what analog cables and PC do you use with the dac? I'd like to have the Wolff cables, but i might have to settle on the PSA Statements.
Did Jerry agree that the RCA's were better sounding? I wonder if he designed the new Jadis 3 transport?
Tabl10s: Jerry has maintained to me that the rca inputs are the best-sounding digital inputs in his stock units, at least in the 34 and 2400 series; as for outputs, I only have single-ended anyway, I guess the new units have balanced, but my bet is he likes the single-ended better. Is the 24MXL a true balanced design? As far as PCs go, the two best I have used with this DAC are the Kubala Sosna Emotion and the K-Works Dynamo power cords, with the TG SLVRs close behind; I have had excellent results in ICs with K-Works Phantoms, NBS Omega and Kubala Sosna Emotions. I don't think Jerry's into designing transports, only the DACs so far (though he did design the original Jadis DACS).

Sutts, I think your Vecteur is an excellent match with the AL, so you may not be losing that much to the Forsells and CECs; I find that the more "analog-sounding" of the transports seem to sound best with it. The Forsell is the most analog-like transport I've ever found, and even though its tendency to go crazy when you have dust on a disc drives me up the wall at times, I still wouldn't want to give it up. If you're ever down this way from Toronto, feel free to drop by, you can hear what it sounds like as a combination. I've had the two (in one iteration or another) for 10 years now, and I'm still amazed at how good they sound together.