Wilson Audio paint problems

Hi - am I the only person who has experienced problems with Wislon Audio products? I bought a brand new pair of Sofia 2s and after about 12 months they developed cracking around the top and front edge. This has spread laterally at the top if the speaker. I approached the distributor who offered to take them to a Ferrari paint shop! I called Wilson Audio but the guy I was put through to did not return my calls.

I have since purchased a pair of Duettes on Audiogon. These too have developed a light crack down the side along one of the seams. I love Wilson speakers (I have the centre and sub/sub controller too). I have invested a lot of money in the brand but now feel completely unable to get my problems sorted. Looking on the web, there seems to be a lot about WA's commitment to the client. I just feel I can't get access to it!

Does anyone else have a similar experience or advice?
Sorry to hear there is a problem - is it on both speakers? If you are in Thailand and you purchased the speakers from the US, are they considered 'grey market'? Do you have a local Wilson dealer?
Yes I have already been in contact with them. I have to send the units back to the US to the factory to get it repaired. I'm just deciding on what is the next best course of action. Right now it is only on one speaker but the i can see the line at the joint on the other speaker but its not cracked yet.
I've read this thread (and others over the years on the very same topic) from top to bottom, so far, and my conclusion is that if you buy this brand of speaker you are at risk of having finish problems down the road. To date, no other speaker manufacture seems to stand out with such finish issues. Whether this risk is important to you (think resale value) or underweighs whatever sonic advantages they may provide, finish quality must be taken into consideration when choosing to purchase, or not. It has to do mainly with retention of value of the item.
Thanks for your input and I would absolutely agree with that. I can't really see it from more then a foot away. Have absolutely no sonic effect. Only issue would be if I wanted to sell it to upgrade at a later date. Thanks for your input.
No dog in this fight but would suggest to OP that if you want to upgrade in future, Wilson should do right by you and give you full trade in value w/o consideration of cosmetic "defect".