Wilson Sophia vs watt3/puppy2 vs revel studio

I listen to mainly rock music. Soft to heavy metal. I have access to get a pair of watt3/puppy2(used) or revel studio (used) or sophia (new). I use Musical fidelity a308 amps and a Musical fidelity a324 dac. I have auditioned the watt3/puppy2 at home and liked the sound. I can't really find any revel studios to audition with my setup. Any insight on plus or minus for each of these speakers with my amps and musical taste?
Sophias really need some low energy to break in that big driver. Crank em up and leave the house for a good while. Will sound completely different.
I know this is an old post, but the statement that the W/P 7 is an extension of the Sophia is just not true.

Wilson will tell you/anybody that the current version/model speaker is better than one that they stopped making a decade ago everytime.

The Watt/Pups are extensions within that line. The Sophia's are a completely different line - stemming more from the Witt than the W/P.

The two "lines" have very different goals (or at least sounds). IME, the Sophia's are a more fogiving sound than the W/P. For me, that resulted in a lack of excitement when listening to the Sophias. If I am seeking that "type" of sound, there are a lot of other brands that I think will do this as well or better than the Sophia's for a lot less money. I am not saying the Sophia's are not great, just that for my tastes are a lot more like a lot of other speakers.