Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart...RIP

Tomorrow, Dec 5th, is the 212 th anaversary of his death. Only 35 years old.

Another thread recently got sidelined into a stupid comparison of Beethoven vs Mozart, as if it was a zero sum game where one had to be downgraded so as to elevate the other. Tomorrow we should remember him, without question the greatest natural musical genius that ever lived. Truly Amadeus.
The music is incredible, it is sad to think that a musical genius like Mozart was dropped into a paupers grave with countless other unknowns. I guess death is the great equalizer!
The biased image of Mozart portrayed by “Amadeus” always diminishes the pleasure to enjoy this movie. Serving as a stage play should be fine. But presenting an illusory story through mass media should be more cautious when managing the subject like Mozart.

Same can be applied to “Immortal Beloved”.
Mozart, hmmmmmm, is he the guy that wrote the music they used in Elvira Madigan? Nice stuff. :-)
He's also the guy who wrote the melody they used in the MASH finale. -:)

and all,
(Piano Concerto #21 in C Major;Clarinet Quintet in A Major)
"It is a sobering thought," Tom Lehrer once said, "that when Mozart was my age, he had been dead for two years."