Would anyone be interested in a timeshare on an Audio Desk Vinyl Cleaner Pro?

I love my vinyl, but I hate record cleaning. I feel that by neglecting my record cleaning, I am doing a disservice to my albums, my ears, and my cartridge. 

I use a vpi cleaner, and with the solutions and flipping sides, drying racks, etc, I rarely use it anymore.  It's just too slow of a process,  and I don't have the time. 

Enter the super automatic and ultrasonic operation of Audio Desk's latest pro version of their record cleaning machine. If you don't know about it, read a little and you'll see it is quite impressive.

So, this thread is to see if anyone would be interested in a time share. At about 4 grand, it is more than I am willing to spend on a machine such as this. However, if 6-12 people chip in, and get to keep the machine for 1-2 months per year, the cost goes down to $333-$666 per member. The resulting 1-2 month period of use can be record cleaning season for the members of this time share.

A local group would be best (I live in Miami) so that a reasonable drive would connect the users, but shipping is fine too. We keep the original packing, drop it in the mail, and we incur a reasonable UPS fee to move the machine to the next user.

So, to start this off, if you're interested, write your name, city, state, and zip code at the top of your posts to this thread. I'll act as the ring leader,  see what we end up with, and tally the results.

If we end up with an appropriate number of interested members across the country, perhaps we have the shipping club. If we are lucky and we get clusters of interested members in any one geographical area, that could be a smaller group and they can drive to change hands.

lets start the music!

I have looked at CAS site. There meetings all seem to be in the 'burbs. I would want to meet people in Chicago.

I remember speaking to the Canadian distributor for Audio Desk about this very subject. He said there would be no warranty on such a unit because abuse and silly people(he used much stronger terms) would destroy the unit in no time. 
I know there are some odds against feasibility, but it all depends on the circumstances and locations of the  interested people, so let's stay positive, at least for step one, which is measuring interest!
There are several very good, budget US record cleaners available. Probably extremely close to the Audio Desk in effectiveness. 

I've used a friend's Vinyl Stack, and it does a fabulous job.


$275 + the price of the ultrasonic tank (about $120 on ebay).

In addition, there are a couple of more sellers of similar ultrasonic record cleabers on ebay.

One called "Groove Clean" and another called "Cleaner Vinyl".