Would you buy speakers with out first listening ?

I've never owned a pair of speakers that I have not listened to before hand...do you guys trust and buy on opinion? If so, have you experienced any great "let down".

Bought my Merlin VSM-MM speakers based on the kind responses on Audiogon and Audioasylum.Reading reviews and researching the subject.No chance of a audition.Also bought my Pathos Logos in the same manner.
Bought my Aerial 7B speakers after hearing a pair in a dealer's showroom. This was before I knew anything about system synergy and the importance of the associated equipment. Once I got them home, they didn't do it for me. The second pair of speakers I bought unheard and loved them immediately. They have continued to perform excetionally through several equipment rotations. They're Von Schweikert VR4 Gen III HSE.
I bought my Green Mountain Continuum 3s without auditioning the. Like others, I did loads of research and spoke to Roy who designs and builds them. They far exceeded my expectations.

I am very close to doing this very thing...

after reading and reading...and reading, and emailing owhers of Eminent technology planar hybrids, I am quickly feeling more and more that these might be my speakers, also talking to Bruce there is a pleasure, still wish I could find Ohio or PA owners so I might impose for an audition, but im pretty close to taking the plunge.
Interesting that some of the speakers mentioned are of the work-horse variety, ie..give up a little to gain a lot. These are the types I tend to go with as my choices in speakers for the last couple of pairs.

My question came about after reading so many posts at many different forums (I surf a lot...retired old man) from people asking for speaker advice.

My last pair of small speakers was around 10 years ago (B&W's)...shipping small speakers is not a problem so I should have mentioned that...heck, if you don't like um, sell um.

150-250lb. types which I seem to have an audio fetish for was more in line to my thinking...

Newbee...point taken on the source. After selling my high-end SACD player almost a year ago...I'm still setting here listening to my old Technics Dvd-A10 as a cd source (not because it's GOOD)...can't seem to pull the trigger even though I know cd players are very easy to ship?

I see that you still have the BAT...I recall a post a good while back regarding moving on from that player?

Newbee, Whoops...It may have been CAL transport and cd player I'm thinking about?
