Would you get ASC Tube Traps or RealTraps

Hi, I am debating between ASC 16" Tube Traps and RealTraps Corner Traps. I am trying to understand the absorption data that both companies publish but I am a bit confused. I think sabines is the better measure (vs absorption coefficient) but admittingly I am a bit over my head in this area.

Any feedback that will help me pick one over the other would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks everyone! My one concern (or my wife's concern) is how the Realtraps Corner Traps look. She can deal with the ASC tubes which we can put a table cloth over but the Realtraps panels is something that is hard to decorate around. So are the Realtraps THAT MUCH better than the ASC?
The ASC tubes will not work correctly if covered with a table cloth, they are absorbant and reflective depending on the direction they are turned.

If you like your bass, the Realtraps are THAT MUCH BETTER! To effectively absorb bass with ASC tube traps you have to fill 30% of the volumn of the room, and that is not pretty either.. Keep in mind you would need the largest 16" ASC traps floor to ceiling (2-3 stacked) behind your speakers. Those large traps are required to try to deal with the sub 70hz bass.

I recommend putting a lock on the door to the room so it doesn't have to be decorated ;-) said the single guy... your system (Most excellent) looks like it is in a rather small room, is it off the living room or den or something?
In looking at your system (way cool) it looks like your room could benefit from stopping slap echo as well as bass management. Realtraps are broadband, so while tameing the bass problems,they help even more with calming down a room to allow your ears to focus on the speakers and not reflections, something tubetraps can't do. Realtraps made a BIG difference in my room.
cytocycle, my system is in the small part of the living room. The room itself is pretty large 16ft x 25ft x vaulted ceilings. The back wall opens up to the rest of our house and the second story. I have been relegated to the portion of the living room which is not more than 10ft wide, due to the front door which is to the immediate left of the system. This forms a little niche that my system sits in. Unfortunately, unless I get a dedicated room (unlikely), I am stuck out in the living room so I HAVE to consider how room treatments look.

hi5harry, how do you suggest I deal with slap echo?
Neither! Some nice closeout carpet pieces, rolled up of course, would do the job. Most likely you could return them if they don't work. Size? At least six feet wide (gives you six feet high,) but depending on your lay out, you could go all the way to eight feet. How thick would depend on your space, try to stay under ten feet as the 'round' of the roll would not be to big. Cost? most likely under $50 for two pieces. I've seen this scheme used at the CES show by many high end rooms.