Wyred 4 Sound experience with 804Ds

I purchased a W4S ST-500 a couple of months ago for my 804Ds. I found an immediate improvement on my NAD amp in terms of soundtsage depth and width, clarity and detail from lows to highs. What I have noticed though is that, music dependent, the sound's can be little cold and lean. With warmth in the recordings it's not an issue and the sound is fantastic. I don't use a tube pre.

I thought I'd mention this for the benefit of those considering a W4S amp, and potentially other Class D amps. I suspect that these amps work best with "full bodied" speakers, and there might also be a lot to be said for synergy with tube pre's. In my case I'm sniffing around a Mcintosh MC302 to bring some of the warmth I had with the NAD back. I can absolutely see why these W4S amps are so highly praised, but my experience suggests there might be room for some qualification/care when choosing them.

Any experience from other 804D owners also valued.
I've just started using exactly this amp with my Maggies and have exactly the opposite experience, finding it a very warm sound (which I like). This warmth is identified by a wide swathe of critics, not just Ebaen.

The W4S is detailled. Could it be revealing something about your DAC or Pre that had been covered up by the NAD's coloration?
This cool character could simply be a unique finding with your system. Overwhelmingly most have found this amp to reside in the warmth camp.
Jult52, Charles1dad: it probably is a unique product of my system, I think the problem's in the mids. Could be that they're being sucked out by my (probably not so well matched in pedigree) CA dacmagic. Back to the drawing board.
The W4S amps(and DACs) have been dubbed giant killers. Some of my friends have traded in their more costly gear for the Wyred4Sound stuff. A friend ditched his Mark Levinson monoblocks for the W4S in driving his Revel Salon2 speakers.

I'm not sure if the W4S amps lean more toward warmth or cold but they are certainly neutral sounding amps that sound quite remarkable in the realm of high-end.
They SHOULD sound very similar to all the other 'd' amps out using the ASP module from B&O.
By similar I mean 'Really Tough to tell apart'.
pics of W4S amp.

backpanel pic of PSAudio GCC series.http://www.crutchfield.com/App/Product/Item/Photos/Default.aspx?i=681GCC250&tp=180