Yeah baby....I found a mate

for my first Berning EA-230 I can run them in mono at 60 triode watts a pop..bummer one is silver and the otehr black faced/

just sharin'
David Berning does have some silver faceplates...good deal!! he always answers his emails withing 24 hrs.
Jsujo, good deal! I was about to write the same - sell the DMT-12 & get the DMT-15. seems like you had the same idea well before me!!
That's what I found - if you want a speaker for a medium size rm go for the DMT-10. If you want one for a much bigger room, skip the -12 & buy the -15 directly.
Will cost you! but it's worth the wait & money. Good luck!
Creeper.. i forgot to answer you tube question.

I have Telefunke 12AT7'a (not the $$$$$$ kind), the 6SN7's are Tung Sol or Raytheons, the 6JN6's are RCA's.

The Raytheons do one hell of a job!
Ironic, as I just purchased a pair of Raytheon 6SN7-GTB to try in the input stage of my monos.

Silver twins that sound as lovely as they look, perfect.

If memory serves, the Tannoys are bi-wireable. You should consider experimenting with horizontal and vertical bi-amping as well. Lots of options having the pair now.
having some trouble with the second amp I just got...This amp was modified by adding a volume knob, with a tube driven line preamp inside,,,very weird...and I am getting a hum which I suspect is related to that addition.