You might be an audiophile if...

With apologies to Mr. Jeff Foxworthy, thought it would be fun to come up with (clean) examples of the wretched excesses that us poor audiophiles are subject to. I'll start it off. Extra points for originality and wit.

You might be an audiophile if your stereo costs more than your car. Or your house.

You might be an audiophile if - you've ever had to choose between a girlfriend and a new pair of speakers.
If your listening to music on a 90 degree day and you turn off the air conditioning because its too noisy.
...the lighting of your room and the hum of your kit illuminates you more than the passages of the music...
you're willing to move your heavy speakers and stands from against the wall to listening position rather than having to sell them because your toddler may knock them over in your listening position.
You buy things you know has absolutely no foundation in science "just in case" they might work, like putting a plastic-encased "chip" on top of your CD player while the CD is spinning, which makes all your CD's magically transform into higher-quality sound.,

(I've NOT done the latter.)
If your garage/attic is full of boxes that all that audio gear comes in.....and nothing else because there ain't no more room...!!!


Some of the furniture ,in your living room , made from some of those boxes(end tables come to mind because years ago I did just that)..why...because you ran out of room in your garage/attic.