Your experience with Thiel 3.6

Any oppinions(experience)on this speaker?

Looks great but I seem to hear mixed reviews from users, however reputable mags seem to love it (pretty old reviews though)? I'm currently auditioning the new Martin Logan Aeon speakers (nice but kind of bright), do you feel that moving to the Thiels is a move up? I'm looking for some clear mids and highs as well as some bass punch.

I have good source componets, and I listen to all sorts of music, from jazz to rock to r&b to techno.
Great speakers that with the right equipment and in the right room can be absolutely magical. But that exactly it, they are very revealing, which is good for music, but very challenging for the equipment... basically, you will need a good source, a good pre and a good amp (or a good integrated) or you will hear the flaws from upstream. I think one of the problem you'll commonly see with the 3.6's is that you can find them for quite reasonable money, and then people add the equipment that's in a similar price range and not liking what they heard. You're going to have to spend some good money on the amp (you don't need a lot of power, not SET's but also not a 1000W+ weld torch, but you will need lots of current and something that is stable into a low load)...

Then add the size demands. Thiel's design in general does require you to be the right distance away from the speaker to have all the drivers properly aligned. That's why a pair of 2.3's may sound better than a pair of 3.6's in certain smaller rooms... And then add the fact that 3.6's need room around them to properly breath and you start getting up there in room size.
I kept comming back to this pr! First, I paired them with Krell FPB600 and ML 38s preamp Sony SCD1 MIT magnum speaker cables, Transparent balanced interconnect cable. With this set up I was glad to have the oppurtunity to a have chance to listen to this wonderful pair of Thiel speakers! I just re-acquired my own CS3.6 from my previous buyer after 9 years!well this pair is now mated with Krell KSA 150 SONY XA3ES, Krell HTS pre/pro MIT cables, Balanced IC.. I am telling you this is where I have proven that any of these older model Krells KSA or FPB are the power this speakers need, they will drive he speakers with ease. 150 wpc Class A circuitry actually generating 220wpc into 8ohms and duobles into 4ohms and Thiels impedance deeps down to 2ohms! Krell amps are very stable with this impedance!
I had this one for a few years too! Still one of the best at that price range but needed very good amplification. With its 2nd hand price so low, you need an amp at least 3 times the valve to justify its quality.