Your Fav EL34 and why?

I am looking for some info on the EL34 tube and it's various makers, mostly current ones, but input on previous itterations of these tubes which fall into the NOS cat are quite welcome and would add some contrast.

I'm assuming like all tubes that the EL 34 tubes sonic sigs vary dependant upon manufacturer and era, as do so many other tube types.

What is your experience with this EL34 TYPE, and why did you select the one (s) you use now?

As always - Thanks so very much.
Mullard re-issues? Russian?

WEll it's for sure I'm gonna have to get another set of 'em. Now which brand seems more the question. Likely the more balanced and transparent. Which for me is quite a statement all by itself.

Is good bottom end a given with EL 34s???

The SED C EL's do have a good amount of bass production going on in my system. other brands probably possess more though, would be my guess. Obtaining a phat mid usually costs something elsewhere.

Blindjim here is a link to the Mullard reissue on upscale audio's site. I find the bottom end to be more defined than the SED in my system.
"Is good bottom end a given with EL 34s???"

I found that the bottom end was effected mostly by using the correct speaker taps on the amp. With my speakers the 2 ohm taps worked best for the bottom end, but the 4 ohm taps sounded better in the mids. Go figure.

Now running a new quad of KT77s from JJ in my CJ CAV50 and these are as good if not a little more dynamic and full compared to the Winged Cs.