Your Favorate JBL's from the 70's

My first pr of JBL's where L26 then L110 and finally L220.
I was 17 when my mother purchased the L220's for me.I must say the police where called several times for load music and for my Mother I'm sorry for
all the problems caused by me and these concert hall spkr's.
What's is your story?
As a young teenage audiophile I used to drool over 4311's, but couldn't afford them at the time. (Anyone know their original street cost?) I had to settle for the pair of Pioneer HPM100's I had, which a friend who did eventually get a used 4311, used to tease me calling them boom boom speakers.

I was recently in a friends apartment and saw he has 4311's which he still uses (I guess he had more money than me as a kid). He mentioned he was planning on getting them refurbished (which he often has done to fairly valueless electronics at considerable expense) I have advised him not to refurb them, but rather spend the money (plus some) on some newer but low cost audiophile speakers, possibly used. Any thoughts on this? He has a cheap reciever also from the 70's but I'm trying to get him to go for a Chinese tube integrated amp.

Well I guess in the end I have compensated for never having gotten those 4311's. My well chosen system (approx $50K) using OTL tube amps and the amazing Raven One turntable reproduces "real" sounding music, not just good hi fi playback. (you can see my virtual system if interested in what relative depravation in youth can spawn in later years)
My system is undoubtedly "better" than way back then, but I got just as much, more?, pleasure with my humble system back then. I have not thought about JBL in a long time, but when I got my first pair I thought I had it made. I reget not keeping them, they were certainly of a time and place.
I didn't have a stereo for the middle 70's but I ran sound for a rock band & we used JBL 18's in some 4560 cabinets, along w/some Altec 18's in VOC cabinets. Or was it the other way around? Topped off w/some Emilar horns, I just thought of it as my giant stereo.