Your favorite song from a RECENT cd release?

Mine is ''The painter'' from Neil Young. It is a great song, just about THE perfect song with acoustic guitar. It has nice lyrics, timing, and of course Young's unique voice. It is a joy to listen to. Sound wise, it sounds a bit congested in the low end, but who cares. I'll take a less-than-perfect song gem on a car radio any day over any Diana Krall song ( o.k Krall fans, flame me!) played on my home system. All a matter of taste, of course!
Hi Narrod, I enjoy Mercy Now too but it takes 4 hours to get that song out of my head after I hear it.
Long Gone Lonesome Blues by Gringo. 1997 but recent to me on Pravda Records. Good studio recording too, but thats my opinion I guess. I knew the label but not the artist. The New Duncan Imperials record on pravda. Hankey Panky Parley Voo from NDI is a pretty good cd also.
"I enjoy Mercy Now too but it takes 4 hours to get that song out of my head after I hear it."

The lyrics really stay with you. One of the most powerful songs I've heard in a long, long time.
It's hard to argue with Maybe Sparrow by Neko Case. I have to second that.

I'll get back to you again after Jewel's new CD is released, and also Personal File by Johnny Cash in a few weeks, and then in July, the posthumous release of American V.