Zu Essence vs Devore Nine vs Maggies

Greetings all! I currently have some Dynaudio 52Se monitors with a REL R-205 sub and am looking for something with the same or better quality sound, yet a deeper, richer, more engrossing sound. I've considered the Contour series floorstanders, but haven't heard them.

My room is 15x25 with a vaulted ceiling 8-10ft. Speaker placement is on the long wall on the short side of the ceiling. I run a Sony ES CD source to a Rogue Perseus tube preamp with a Quad 909 SS power amp. I'd like to spend $1000-3000 (used, preferably).

I've auditioned the Magnepan 1.6R and loved them quite a bit. I've also heard the ProAc Response D2, Dali Helicon, and Devore Super 8. Honestly, I really like the Magnepan, especially for the price. I also really liked the Dali, but it's too much and the Devore Nine killed the Super 8 to me, but again is a little pricey. After much reading, I think the Zu Essence might be what I want and at a great price now, $3500.

So... has anyone heard the new Essence and compared it to the Devore Nine? Also, would my setup be too much for such sensitive speakers? I like everything from jazz trios to arena rock. For that amazing encompassing "live", rich sound, with clear detailed highs and nice lows, can I beat the Maggies? To be fair, I had a whole week to audition them at home while all the others were at dealers.

Thanks in advance, Dave, Austin, TX
I use a VAC Avatar SE with NOS Bugle Boy tubes. I'm very familiar with this amp and don't think it was the culprit. I also tried a little 10 watt or so Luxman tube integrated.

I hesitate to say what I find engaging at the 3-5k price range because so many sacrifices have to be made. It depends upon your priorities. I personally would look at used Verity, Devore, Harbeth, Reynaud. These companies to my ears have maintained what I find important to make a speaker engaging at the pricepoint.

Hope this answers the questions.
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I have heard all three speakers at length and these go in very different directions sonically. I know I could only live with one in the long term, one for a short flirt and one not at all.

Some of this depends on taste, some on listening habits, some of this on tolerance. Given your description of your taste, I would recommend Maggies as well, even though they would not be my first choice out of the three.

It pays sometimes to just live with it and see; if only to develop your tastes...
I heard the Audio Note AN/E SPe HE loudspeakers at RMAF 2009. Based on your three speaker selections, and on your goals for the speakers, I'd suggest taking a listen to the Audio Note AN/E offerings.

Let me guess the order.

Devore (long term)
Maggie (short flirt)
Zu (not at all)

How did I do?
