Zu Omen Defs and Ice Amps?

Anyone have the opportunity to audition a pair of Zu Omen Definitions and a Class D or Ice Amp? The Zu's obviously don't need a lot of power so I'm thinking one of these newer digital amps might be a good fit. If so, please share the make/model of amp and your impressions. So far, I'm considering the King Rex, Trends, Dayton, and Topping amps but I'm sure I've left a few out that might be contenders. Thanks in advance.
I just had a Onkyo 9555 on a pair of Definitions while i waited for a new preamp.

Bad move. Class D and Zus are a TERRIBLE match.

Tube or Mac--that would be my decision.
They're a bad fit because the Zu FRD sounds best with an amp with a relatively low damping factor. That's what it's designed for. Bass will be overly damped (dry, thin) with any kind of digital or switching amp.