Zu Omen Defs and Ice Amps?

Anyone have the opportunity to audition a pair of Zu Omen Definitions and a Class D or Ice Amp? The Zu's obviously don't need a lot of power so I'm thinking one of these newer digital amps might be a good fit. If so, please share the make/model of amp and your impressions. So far, I'm considering the King Rex, Trends, Dayton, and Topping amps but I'm sure I've left a few out that might be contenders. Thanks in advance.
A good Ice Power amp would be a sound choice in the SS amp camp, but frankly, I suspect there are many SS and tube amps that can also do a top notch job with those in that I believe the rap is they are pretty efficient and easy to drive.

The consumer market Zu appears to target will probably lean more towards tube amps. IcePower amps appeal to a different camp of consumers I suspect.

The amp I am familiar with that I would like to hear most with those is the Tube Audio Design 125 Hibachi monblocks, which is a SS amp designed to sound more like a traditional tube amp.
"Two of them" - My all thumbs to you but please promise that it will stay 2 (won't turn into 1).
I have to wonder what people are listening to or thinking when they label Class D or Icepower amps as "mid-fi". They must either be hearing something different than what I hear, have not heard a good setup, or perhaps just prefer a different flavor of sound. That is fine, but prefering a certain flavor does not mean that other established flavors are inferior.
Charles1dad - It is not being defensive but rather irritated with "All D amps suck" statements.

If you read my first post, I stated that I chose the Spectron over three other well known SS amps. Personal preference to be sure, but I never bad-mouthed any amp or any person. Anyone on Audiogon who regularly reads Glory's posts and ads expects that kind of remark from Gary as being, just Gary. Tomorrow he may say that Class D amps are the best in the world.

If you read my second post, like Kijanki, I'm more irritated that someone, especially a dealer, has the audacity to tell Audiogon members that their system components are mid-fi, whether it is or isn't by somebody's definition.

If I hear a system, but think that mine is better, why would I risk hurting the audiophile's feelings bashing it? To flat out say what George (TheSoundHouse) said is just arrogant and demeaning.
