Eminent Technology ET-2 Tonearm Owners

Where are you? What mods have you done ?

I have been using these ET2's for over 9 years now.
I am still figuring them out and learning from them. They can be modified in so many ways. Bruce Thigpen laid down the GENIUS behind this tonearm over 20 years ago. Some of you have owned them for over 20 years !

Tell us your secrets.

New owners – what questions do you have ?

We may even be able to coax Bruce to post here. :^)

There are so many modifications that can be done.

Dressing of the wire with this arm is critical to get optimum sonics along with proper counterweight setup.

Let me start it off.

Please tell us what you have found to be the best wire for the ET-2 tonearm ? One that is pliable/doesn’t crink or curl. Whats the best way of dressing it so it doesn’t impact the arm. Through the spindle - Over the manifold - Below manifold ? What have you come up with ?
I look forward to your impressions of the 412, Chris. Actually, I have been seriously considering buying a 415 on the assumption (perhaps mistaken) that the body/motor of the 415 is the same as for the 420. I would like to experiment with fashioning a different (wood or...), non-plastic mount/ shell for the 420, and don't want to risk damaging mine. If anyone has definitive (or simply educated) information about the motors of the the various Acutex(i) please chime in.
The Acutex 412,415 and 420 STR are definitely interchangeable.I have listened today to the Acutex 412 and 420 on the same motor.
Guys, I was under the impression that the MM cognoscenti had rapidly moved past the Acutex 420, following its appearance and then disappearance in the market place. I know that Raul was not enchanted by it and seemed to far prefer his "blunt nose" 3XX series Acutex, which he likes even better than the late pointy 3XX series. Do these posts represent a renaissance of the STR420? I caved in and bought one too, from Italy. It still rests in its original box, because of the underwhelming remarks made on the MM thread. Was going to sell it, once I can overcome my inertia.

Has any Acutex-ian tried the Saturn V headshell? It may not fit the 4XX series; it was made for the late 3XX series.
Lew, mine too sat in the box for months because of some (not all) underwhelming remarks. My experience so far proves, once again, that even the cognoscenti are mistaken at times; especially when they are not patient enough to allow for proper break-in. As has been pointed out, however, there appears to be a special synergy between this cart and linear tracking arms. I encourage you to try it, and please report back with your findings.