Any audiophile who is on blood pressure medication

I was put on HBP medication couple weeks ago due to slight blood pressure elevated from 135/85 in am to 145/92 in early pm time and my life has been turning up side down. As much as I love to listen to the music and mess around with my equipments on my day-off, now I see myself tired all days coping with the side effects of different type of HBP meds. I have not be able to turn on my gear for weeks due to the lacking of energy and I wonder how do other audiophiles who has the same medical issue can overcome the tiresome to enjpy the music. Please share some thoughts .
Originally I was put on a beta blocker and became so depressed, I threatened the Doctor I would pour all of them down the drain.

Next was Vasotec (ACE inhibitor), which worked well for awhile and after a period of time, was not effective.

Now I'm on Lisinopril 20 (another ACE inhibitor) and Hydrochlorothiazide 12 (reduces water retention). This pair seems to effectively control blood pressure with no side effects.

However, as stated by Missti, each person is different, what works for me may be horrible for you.

The main thing, talk to your doctor and tell him (or her) that the side effects are making your life miserable and you need another choice.

I sincerely hope this works out for you. I've been in your shoes and know how it feels.
I eventually complained about the lethargy and lack of motivation to my father, an internist MD(still practicing at age 82!) and he laughed and said they all make you feel that way. As I understand it, your readings aren't extreme, and better diet and exercise should suffice, if you can stand it. Easier said than done, but the meds are pretty good motivation.
Listen to Albert's advice. Bother the living daylights out of your doctor (or his/her receptionist) until they find a med that works for you -- and believe me there IS one! It's no longer enough just to be the squeaky-est wheel -- you have to SCREECH like a digital banshee, until you get the attention you require ;-)
Tell your doctor to precribe some better quality meds if you have insurance. I was using Lisinopril and it gave me a chronic cough. What Albert Porter failed to mention is that Lisinopril is a Walmart $4 prescription, hey you get what you pay for is what they say, right? With my high quality blood pressure and diabetes meds I was paying $70 for both insured, $400 without.
Try Norvasc (Amlodipine Besylate).
This has been extremely effective controling the numbers (for me and my Father).
I understand there are literally hundreds of BP medications (I use four including Lisinopril).
So keep plugging until you find the right combo.
Good luck!