Help with a de-emphasis list?

WOW! I just popped an old CD, that has always sounded crappy, into one of my players that happens to have a de-emphasis circuit and this thing sounds like an LP! I don't see any way to identify this in/on the packaging. Anybody have an idea how much music was coded this way? A list of favorites? The CD of mine is Tom Petty "Southern Accents". Is this niche worth rediscovering?
N, Here is another interesting observation; when this Petty CD is in my DVD player, the digital stream to my pre/pro will not allow any post processing! To listen to 5 channel stereo or DTS neo, etc, I have to go analog in. 'Splain that to me...
Tom Petty "Southern Accents".

Nice recording. Tom is quite the audiophile. His digital stuff often sounds like analog. Try Wildflowers - great dynamics.

FWIW: Benchmark DAC1 handles pre-emphasis. Many players do - if they do not then they are NOT Redbook standard players.

when this Petty CD is in my DVD player, the digital stream to my pre/pro will not allow any post processing!

If your DVD player handles other CD's ok then it is probably the same issue - the pre-emphasis - it may be forcing the DVD player to treat the data a certain way.
Shadorne, So once again it comes down to implementation. I will have to bring this CD with me to auditions, in addition to my demo favs. I talked to Benchmark today, and they confirmed a flag trips the de-emp circuit. I have been wanting to audition their dac. Perhaps I can report back on it's accuracy in this regard.