Midrange texture?

I'm curious what part of the audio system defines the midrange texture and detail of the sound. For example when listening to violin or cello, in some system you hear more of the vibration of the wood and resin in the bow. Also for the saxophone, in some system you hear the vibrating reed in addition to the sound of horn.
Sean, thanks for the input. ;) None of my component has earned immunity, and I'm open to any suggestions.
With a very good system like yours, I have to agree with Dave_b that cables and power cords will have a major impact on the amount of detail and also the harmonic texturing.

Right now, I am comparing two Synergistic Research power cords, a Precision AC and a T3 UHC. Both are excellent power cords but each sounds different on my amp. Using your violin/cello scenario, I can hear more emphasis on the plucking of the string with the former (more detailed and leaner) and more of the body of the instrument with the latter (less detailed, warmer and richer).

Although you have good cabling currently, you might experiment with others to see what the effect is. You can guess which brand I prefer.
Try Jade Audio gold ICs and SCs. You probably need the hybrid gold over the vermeil gold IC for the description you desire. HiFi gold fuses also. You should be very close to getting the sound you want...
What speakers and components were in the systems that had the effect you are after? If you could borrow one piece at a time you might be able to figure out what would work in your system.
Jylee, are you lacking midrange texture and looking for the source of it in your system to achieve it?

As you know, I have 1027 BE speakers and I have plenty of the midrange texture you are talking about. Focals are very revealing.

I achieve this with Synergistic Tesla cables and power conditioner.