You never see this anymore

There was a company called Cello in the early 90's that would put a totally matching system for you. They had 3 price ranges. You could audition their systems at the cello music store in West Hollywood,Ca. I don't know of a company today that does this. Maybe audio is so dead nowadays people just don't care. FYI- Mark Levinson the man not the company owned Cello music systems.
Cello failed. So does taht mean the idea is of no value?

That is what a dealer is supposed to do for a person.
Not many folks here would bother with someone else tellingthem what to buy.
Just about everyone here is mix and match on ones own.
With varying degrees of success: (based on all the for sale ads...LOL!)
Cello was run by Mark Levinson after he sold his name! Was a marketing genius, he recruited a friend of mine to sell for him in that era. Some of the Cello gear was really good, most was marketing and sales though!
Mark did the same thing with Red Rose - I believe he had a dedicated studio in NYC. However, much of the stuff had a more than superficial resemblance to much cheaper stuff made in China, which I would imagine put some people off. Whether it was actually the same, I couldn't say.
There may not be a manufacturer, but there are companies that do it such as Ciamara.