Recommended integrated for B&W 802?

Hi all-

Looking for integrated amps to put on the audition list. Speakers are B&W Matrix 802s - would like phono section as well. After reading the posts here, it seems like the overwhelming consensus is that Krells are too bright for the B&Ws. Levinson is pricey - plinius? mcintosh? Looking for something around $2k new/used. Need a good foundation to build the system around.
Well......why does it have to be an integrated? These are really good speakers; you can go pretty crazy with associated components with these & not out-class the speakers. But I would say, avoid the Krell KAV's, check out the Plinius & Classe's for integrated's. These speakers sound great with tubes, but you need more power than most tube integrateds have. Good luck!
While I've never owned this speaker I can't imagine that there are too many integrateds out there that could really offer the juice you might need (depending on room size...) to make these guys sing! A high powered Plinius or Classe might do the trick. Maybe a big Mac?

There was a thread about 2-3 months ago from a guy in France purchasing or auditioning a very large and powerfull integrated - maybe its the Lavardin mentioned above??? It was a beast and might be worth looking into...
I love my 802/S2's, and am definetly "old school": Adcom 565 Preamp and 555 amp (200w/ch).I'm Happy!
Try the Arcam or Rotel integrated amplifiers for excellent sound quality and affordable. Levinson 383 would be the cost no object answer.
Rowland and Gryphon are the best, but expensive.Levinson is so-so.Never heard of Lavardin.