Driving SF Extrema with one BAT VK-60 ?

One of my friend has successfully drive the Extrema with 300b push-pull tube amp. So, I'm thinking about getting a tube amp, BAT VK-60, to drive my SF Extrema even it's not using 300b. Is it a good or bad idea? Would you suggest any 300b amp that would be a good match to the Extrema?

Here is my existing equipments:
- BAT VK-D5SE CD Player
- BAT VK-5i Preamp (w/ amperex 6DJ8)
- Jeff Rowland Model 5 (150 w/ch)

I usually listen to: main-stream Jazz, smooth Jazz, classical
I have run my Extremas with many different amps. A forte, a very small Musetex,and Dual Classe Ca 400's that I run with MIT Push Pull cables. I can tell you that they sounded very good with any of those amps. They like a lot of power and the more you have the better they sound but you can drive them with just about anything.

The reason they like the power is something to do with the crossover. I think it doesnt use compacitors but I could be wrong.
What's the driver configuration, sensitivity and impedence of your speakers? I am not famaliar with them. I run a VK-60 powering my Avalon Eclipse, which everyone says is a power hungery speaker with no problems. My speakers have a tweeter and a 9" mid woofer, impedence is 6 ohms and they are 86 or 87dB sensitivity no problems at all. Good luck
Ted, i do not think one VK 60 will be able to power the Sonus Faber Extremas. The Extremas need lots of power. Are you serious, your friend said the Extremas sounded good with a 300B amp. Unless it was that high powered VAC
300 B Amp, i dont think any 300B amp would sound good with the Extremas. My friend is using 2 Meridian 557 Amps bridged on the Extremas. This combo sounds amazing. I would think, your Rowland 5 Amp would be a much better on the Extremas, then the VK 60. The VK 60 is an awesome tube amp. But i dont think it will have the power for the Extremas.