power cords and krell amps any suggestions?

I'm thinking about upgrading form the stock cord for both of my amps a Ksa 200s and a Kav-500 3. We are using the Audioprism
Power Foundation lll, I also have 2 20 amp dedicated circuts for the system with the orange heavy duty recepticals. Which power cords have you tried and what were the results? Or would I be better served upgrading my recepticals first? I would like to here from Krell owners but of course all imput would be helpful.
Thanks for your help.
I've had great results using the stock power cords on my krell amps with the PS Audio high current ultimate outlets. I would highly recommend this setup.
I would try the FIM 880 outlets first. If you desire more after that the outlets would be a keeper and you could try different power cords.
Due to the high current draw, make sure that any power cords that you use are heavy in gauge and fit tightly into both the wall outlets and IEC jack. Keep in mind that heavy gauge conductors ( 12 gauge or better ) does not necessarily mean "big in diameter" or "hard to bend". Sean