power cords and krell amps any suggestions?

I'm thinking about upgrading form the stock cord for both of my amps a Ksa 200s and a Kav-500 3. We are using the Audioprism
Power Foundation lll, I also have 2 20 amp dedicated circuts for the system with the orange heavy duty recepticals. Which power cords have you tried and what were the results? Or would I be better served upgrading my recepticals first? I would like to here from Krell owners but of course all imput would be helpful.
Thanks for your help.
I second the recomendation of Shunyata PC on Krells, I'm using a Shunyata Mojave on my FPB 200 and it just sounds right. The FIM Gold and ESP essence are also great on Krells.
I am listening to Krell KAV-250a and KPS-25sc. I upgraded the power cords to Siltech SPO-18 one meter cords and thought the difference was slight but definitely more musical and relaxed. The difference is noticeable in an A/B comparison. E-mail me privately if you would like the name of the person who got me the cables at a very good price. I don't know anything about the AC coming into my house but it is a new home.
I've been using Granite Audio 560 cords for my KAV-250 & 250 a/3.

Can't quite forget that first time--swapped out a cord, put on a CD, and my jaw dropped. :)

Haven't compared to many other similarly priced cords though. . .
Thank you for all of the imput. So far all I have done is get the FIM 880 recepticals one for each of my dedicated circuts. The first thing I noticed was how tight they were when I went to plug everything back in after the install. Then after turning everything back on I put in a couple of cd's and was very impressed by what I heard. There was a lot more detail and it seemed as if the background was much quieter (blacker). Before I buy any powercords I want to listen the system like this for awhile.
Thanks again for your help.
I have a KSA-250, and use Shunyata throughout my system.
Have been using the Taipan, and if you are still using the stock PC - you won't believe the difference. You can't go wrong at that price -everything gets improved: soundstage, tighter base, more revealing ETC..
If you have the budget, wait a little and get the new Anaconda version designed for amps - out in the next few weeks. (not to be confused with reg. Anaconda.)
Good luck.