Tube pre-amp with SS Classe Amp

Please help me chosing a tube pre-amp to match with SS CA-201 driving BW 804 Nautilus speaker. Currently using SS Pre-amp CDP-50.
Check out the Cary SLP 2002. It's got everything you want and more. Make sure you get a discount. 20% seems about right.
Have anyone compare the BAT VK30, Cary SPL-2002, and SF L2 side by side with Classe amp?
I have a SLP2002 & I love. Much better than the ARC-LS25 MRK2 I tradded it for. Alsow I tried a BAT VK-30 & liked it but the soundstaging was pour & A bit to dark for me . But a vary nice preamp. I did own a AYR K-3 It was better than the ARC to.