Does your amp sound hum....when your ear close it

got a concentra 2 , hear hum....when ear close to it
power problem or else? Is it normal?

Can be.....sort of.
Could be a number of things.

Try ""floating the ground" on your amp.
(put the grounded male end into a two prong plug adapter then back into the wall.)
Probably just the transformer(s) doing their stuff. I'm not familiar with this amp, but since you imply that you can't hear the hum until you put your ear next to the amp, not to worry...unless this is your normal listening position!!! Happy Tunes!
My Rogue 120 magnums hum; I spoke to Mark and he said this is not unusual for tube amps.
You have to be very close, and it has to be very quiet to notice.

My Jolida JD 1000 has a very low level hum. I only hear it when I right on top of it. So, I sit about 8' away and enjoy the music.