Tube Pre amp or Solid Pre Amp

I am new with the high-end audio and I am look for a new or used pre amp to go with my system but I do not know what kind of preamp (tube or solide) would be best for my system.
Speakers: Vienna Bethoven
Amp: Bryston 4BST
CD player: Theata mile (run direct to amp)
Speaker cable: 8TC ( shot gun )
Interconect : Silver from homegrown audio.
Good question.I also heard that a tube preamp,especially with a Bryston 4B ST,is the way to go.
I'm currently running a ss Bryston BP-25 pre with my 4B st.
I like what I hear but if it can be better...
Will certainly keep an eye on this post.
Just out of curiosity, why do you want a preamp? Do you have another source? If not, I would just spend the money that you would have spent on the preamp and upgrade the amp or CDP. I also run my CDP direct to my amp and am very happy with the sound as-is.
Forget the pre. Keep your Miles going direct, I do. (If you get the appropriate listening levels.) If not, go for a BAT tube pre.

What about a *hybrid* preamp? Why not get the best of both worlds?

I think hybrid is where it's at...
I believe the answer depends on two issues:

1. What is your price range for a preamp? As this will perhaps determine or limit the sonic qualities you are seeking.

2. What is your listening preference? Warmth and bloom and/or detail and transparency? Some to many tubes (in my limited experience) focus on warmth and 3-D bloom primarily in the midrange frequencies with light to serious roll offs at the frequency extreme highs and lows producing what what might consider a somewhat subdued sound. Whereas some to many solid state units focus on detail and transparency across a much greater frequency range but can easily lack warmth and bloom and may even be considered flat or suppressed in the very critical midrange region.

If your budget is very tight, and you are seeking detail over all else, you may want to entertain the solid state route first to see what you come up with. As your budget increases you should be able to venture more easily into either camp with fewer compromises that are supposedly typical of tubes and solid state but it's not a guarantee.

Again, my experience with tubes (and solid state for that matter) is quite limited but based on that experience and my readings, I believe the above to be true. Otherwise I'd change my opinion. :)