Tube Pre amp or Solid Pre Amp

I am new with the high-end audio and I am look for a new or used pre amp to go with my system but I do not know what kind of preamp (tube or solide) would be best for my system.
Speakers: Vienna Bethoven
Amp: Bryston 4BST
CD player: Theata mile (run direct to amp)
Speaker cable: 8TC ( shot gun )
Interconect : Silver from homegrown audio.
That's true of the Rogues, neronian.
Have to use cheater plugs, could not trace hum down.
Also, the power supply make a slight buzz, and the amps pick up so RFI.
You have to be very close to the amps or speakers to notice, and it has to be very quite. But those noises are there.

As mentioned before I certainly like my Brystons..BP-25..4B ST..could it sound betcha,if I spend thousands of $$$$$$$$$ more..which at this point I'm not willing to spend.
I am very happy with the sound of my present system.I updated to the best of my ability and am always tweaking.
Let your ears be your guide..not to mention your pocket book.
There will ALWAYS be better...........
I too like the tube pre/ss amp combo. I also agree with stehno. My suggestion is to audition a aes(cary) AE-3. This pre can come as a kit(if you are so inclined) or from the factory. It has upgrade features and it's a triode design. This as I have written before to me is the best bang for the buck pre out there. In addition it only uses two tubes. Good hunting!
I agree with Stehno, if your trying to take the edge off, the cheapest route would be to change interconnects. You might even try all copper. Cardas would definetely take the edge off, they are sweet. " IMHO "

The Rogue and the BAT are good suggestions for tube pre's. I think bewteen the two you will find BAT sweeter ( in your price range ) The BAT VK3i can be bought between $800-1250 used.

happy listening
I used to own a BP-25 with my 4B-ST amp and the BP-25 is dead quiet and neutral to the max - what you send in is what comes out. I preferred the sound once I inserted a Rogue 66 linestage with Mullard tubes. If I were to compare the two preamps I would liken the BP-25 to a black & white HDTV - every detail but after a time became sterile. The Rogue is like a great color TV (Non-HD) - less detail but with the "color" can be viewed for longer periods without fatigue. But hey thats just my system and my ears, the BP-25/4B-ST combo has rec'd many great reviews.

If it were me I would look for either a Magnum version 66 or get a cheap 66 (about $650 used) and have Rogue "magnum" it for $250. Conversely you could find a Rogue 99 within your budget and if lucky maybe a used Magnum 99. Good luck!