headphone setup 500 used.

I'm tired to listen to freequent arguments from my wife which music I do have to listen. That's why I wish to get an inexpencive combo(prefere tubes) for headphone setup(amp/HF). Most of the time I'll be listening to "forbiden" or "banned" music that drives her crazy(well I can understand that). I listen not only to a traditional stuff but avant-grade, underground, progressive and many many kinds of "other music" most of my listening time.
I need non-fatiguing and comfortable to wear headphones that will be connected through headphone amp to my passive preamp.
I have 3 headphones here, Sony CD3000 is so much better than the Sennheiser 580 and Etyomotic, driven by Headroom.
I'll give a nod to Grado RS 2's. They are easy to drive and have a wonderful balance. The bass you can feel in your chest, mids are pure and the high are extended and sweet.

I listen to them for up to 1.5 to 2 hours without any problems. Later on match them with their headphone pre-amp or a tube amp and you have raised the bar progressively.
I've heard Grado RS as well through regular line preamp with headphone out. They sounded nice except they were extreamly uncomfortable to wear!
In addition to the websites mentioned above, also check out headwize.com.
Headphones are very personal choice. Not only does sound quality but comfort also matters.
While open back headphones like Grado and Sennheisers usually sound the best, if your wife is going to sit by you she may still complain that she can hear what's playing. This would mean you need a closed back 'phone which will limit your choices.
My personal favorites are the Grado's for open back headphones. While I use RS-2's, there are lower priced models that sound good. In regards to the Grado's comfort, I use the earpads from the Grado SR-60 on mine which helps alot, and I have to move my eyeglasses around so they do not press into the back of my ears.
For closed phones, I will recommend something different from what most will recommend, the Ultrasone HFI-600. I just posted a review of them on headwize.com. They are not easy to find but I think they sound better than any closed headphone I have heard and they can be driven by cheap, solid state electronics and still sound good.