Updating my preamp.Frustrating..You Bet

Well its been over a month since I went on a mission to ,not only update ,but change from a SS preamp to a tube model.I thought I was ready..narrowed it down to 3 or 4 models..price range picked 2000-4000..had my wife convinced
that life would not be worth living without a decent tube preamp and off I went thinking the worst was behind me.
I'm in information overload and having nightmares about buying the wrong preamp ,only to have a better ,more transparent, more sonically pleasing beats other preamps 10x the price model appear out of nowhere.
I know you should let your ears do the buying but has anyone heard of a shop that has all preamps know to man?
Reviews,have you ever heard of a bad one?
Are smaller companies..ie Blue Circle..Opera..Reflection..Supratek,(spelling) know to make superior products?
In the 2000-4000 price range can I really go wrong.Everything has got to sound good ,for that kind of money.
I am very isolated therefore chances of auditioning numerous
preamps are slim to none.
I need direction and suggestions.The sooner the better.
Blue Circle Galatea has a splendid volume control using Shallco ladder attenuators. CAT SL-1 Signture and Ultimate preamps use a series stepped attenuator whose lack of transparency I finally couldn't stand. (Their signal is put through many, many solder connections.) I'm a passive preamp fan myself, but if I weren't I'd certainly prefer the Blue Circle over anything by CAT. Some designers are wizards at circuitry, power supply regulation, and the like, and while these aspects are hugely important, a lot of their virtues can be thrown away through a mediocre volume control, IMHO.
Hey, lawrencegrac: I find it interesting that you would consider BAT a "proven name" seeing as how their first product was introduced in 1995. BTW, Sonic Frontiers is no longer in business as a 2 channel tube preamp manufacturer although parts must surely still be available through Anthem. Maybe our friend should also consider another real proven name, Conrad-Johnson. My Atma-Sphere preamp manufacturer has been in business 21 years.
I thought of C-J!I have heard about Atma-Sphere,but they are real pricey of what I remember!Antique Soundlabs,VTL,Classe',EAR and whatever happend to Quicksilver?

Audable Illusions
I read a post that was placed today about the Vol. Pot. Atennuator being of poor quality or maybe he had Gain problems or mismatch.

Stepped Vol. Pots are a real pain!Wonder why they did not suggest just modifying it?

With the Used market having a great selection of Tube Pre's it is a buyers market.Most people are turning towards the HT setup which is a good thing for those of us who look to 2-Channel playback.The guy who designed Spica's said he lost intrest after the move toward HT.Seems like it makes it a plain great market for us!I will get a Tube Pre-Amp and use my Lexicon CP-3+ when I need to watch movies!
You are correct. It does seem to be a buyer's market.

"I have heard about Atma-Sphere,but they are real pricey of what I remember!Antique Soundlabs,VTL,Classe',EAR and whatever happend to Quicksilver?"

I believe the gentleman mentioned 2 to 4K as a budget. That would include the Atma. Good suggestions on Antique Soundlabs and VTL. I don't think Classe makes tube gear and EAR seems to trying to turn it's back on tubes. Quicksilver is still around, tho'.

Yes, I'm all for people going to HT. More good 2-channel gear for me (heh-heh). Personally, Home Theater is O.K. for taking a break from listening to a good sound system in the dark, but I wouldn't want to spend a lot of money on it.
Your probably right about Classe,but I thought they made Tube Stuff before getting into Hybrids!

I did not wnat to go to far into a HT setup so I got a Lexicon CP-3+ and a B&K 5ch. amp to use for suurounds which was my alternative to getting an ARC tube amp for now.After I get my all my NEAR Speaker's I will look into getting the Pre-Amp.

My goal for a Frontend Amplification is a ML amp mated with an ARC or Tube Pre-Amp which is the finest setup I have heard for my speaker's.If getting a nice used ML for the Front is to pricey I will look into something like PS Audio's HCA-2 (new Amp) or there might be something better for less by then!WOuld not want to venture into all Tubes with all metal driver speaker's!

Will try harder to keep abreast of the changes in the Audio World as it's been a few yrs. since I have been seriously into it.Seems I drift back after awhile!Have been putting together a Mid-Fi system for a friend and have been re-tooling my system with new Speaker's and another go at a HT system!I hated my HT system when I tried to do it 7yrs ago and this is another attempt to see if it will be suitable without messing up my 2-Channel playback!

Best thing that has happened is finding NEAR's through the Designer and former president of the Co. who now works for Apogee!Got a pair of NEAR M15's with a spare set of Tweeter's and newly designed Woofer\Mid Driver's that are incredible($350).Went to audition B&W CDM 1NT's and these things blow them away.I have a Sub that goes down to 25Hz and the speaker's go down that far ,but the Sub adds a little more Impact!
M50's being refitted with a new crossover making them the most advanced version ever made.$2550 and I will pay $1000.Incredible speaker's for the cash!
NEAR's are in the same league as the Watts in my opinion having close to the same Tweeter in them(Inverted Dome).Might try refitting them with Scanspeaks at some point to see what diff there is!

I will look into the Atma from old Stereophiles I have!What are the prices on the used Market for them nad do they have a Phono stage?