Cost efficient phono preamp recommendation

what phono preamp would you recommend for a vpi Aries Scout turntable with 10x4 Dynavector cartridge? Rest of system is very high end (Spectral/ Wilson Audio), but i rarely listen to LPs.
I think the Coda 03p is a great option. It has balanced i/o, all the gain, impedance, and capacitance adjustments you could ever want, and it is reasonably priced.

If you shop carefully, you could probably find one for $1k new. They don't show up on the used market often.

Never underestimate the value of a quality RIAA. Using the balanced i/o will dramatically reduce EMI/RFI from the delicate signal. Plus, if you think about it, MC cartridges are inherently balanced devices anyway.

People who run truly balanced phono are few and far between. I must admit this has left me scratching my head a few times...
I second the audible recommendation, and logistical limitations, of the Camelot Lancelot Pro. I would add that (1) customer service is outstanding from Camelot (they quickly sent me an odd-value resistor at no charge just for the asking), and (2) the unit is available new from Audio Advisor for US$899.
Thanks...any suggestions for a more idiot-proof unit? I don't have time to fiddle...especially during those rare times that I listen to LPs.
The Dynavector may have a suitable output allowing it to be used with the little wooden-cased Grado phono preamp, which runs off of a 9v battery, and whose sound is well-regarded (I haven't heard it myself). This is a simple-to-use unit, and the battery should last a long time if you only listen occasionally. You might try calling Bob at The Elusive Disc, whose advice I've always found to be trustworthy, to ask if this (or something else) would be a good match. Whenever you're talking about buying phono equipment, it can be very difficult or impossible to actually audition your options, so it is usually helpful to find an experienced professional you can depend on for your information.