Transitioning: back to solid state....

Quandaries and time consuming frustrations...

This is a derivative of one of those tube vs. solid state amps. And, good god, I never thought I'd start one of these types of threads.

I've started some pretty stupid threads on audiogon, but this one might take the cake.

Anyways, after clicking my virtual system link, you are well aware that the centerpiece of my system is the not-so-reviewed and not-so-popular, the lowest of the low of all ARC amps, the CA50 integrated amp.

It is my first tube component, and I am in the process of replacing it. Tubes are simply a hassle for me, and, being too ignorant to know how to bias tube amps, I'd rather get a solid state. This way, I won't have to worry about purchasing megabuck NOS tubes or having to replace worned out tubes. Oh, and I'd love to leave the amp on ALL da time.

I've collected quite a lot of data in my cerebral databank about the solid state amps capable of replacing tube ones and are under $2000 used. The hit list includes Pass Alephs 3 or 5, 47 Labs' Gaincard, Bel Canto Evo 200.2, and Spectron's Troubador.

One observation I made when doing my research, besides the Spectron, Pass, 47 Lab and Bel Canto has received tons of reviews from professionals and amateurs alike with a one standard deviation of the population favoring each of these (That is about 95%). A great deal of these reviewers, including the professional ones, even tout these solid state amps as comparable or better than megabucks solid state amps and capable or residing comfortably in a tube lover's system as well.

With all this in mind, I've made the assumption/fallacy that I can replace my modest lowest end ARC amp with one of the fabulous solid state amps with improved sonic quality and ergonomics as well.

Assumptions, hypothesis, fallacies, whatever, they need to be tested, and, today, I did just that. I plopped down hard earned college tuition on one of the solid state amps that is mentioned.

What do you think is the result?
The money would have been better spent on college tuiton. You were not exactly deprived with an ARC amp.
Is the college tuition money for you? Which college? For 2K you can't even buy books.
The result should be that you feel depressed since you've just realized that you will never finish college, having spent your tuition money on audio gear.
If you bought the BC your happy with it. They do take a few
days to settle/break in so it only gets better. If you did
I hope you got the EVO4 and are running it in bridge mode.

I just heard on the radio yesterday that listening to music
makes you smarter. So why worry about college? I "gragidated" and look at me! I didnt need it because Im smarter from music! By next week after i by my next piece of equipment im gonna be real smart!
Unless I missed something here, how can you replace a tube integrated with a solid state amp? Doesn't a pre-amp of some sort need to be entered into the equation?

If you actually did spend your college tution money on audio equipment I would have to question whether you have the facilities to accurately judge an audio system.