Can you ever have too much power?

Is there a limit beyond which power is counter productive? Or is it like cars, where there no reason to have a 454 hp Corvetee other than because you can afford too?
Too much power (especially with a very sensative amp) can get you into trouble if you have very sensative speakers and a stepped preamp.

Basically, in this situation, you could hit a very loud volume at 1 or two notches on your preamp. This gives you lousy volume control.

THe problems above actually (upon a little reflection) are primarily caused by the sensativity of the amp and not power per se.... But too much power in this case can blow real sensative speakers easily.

I think amp designers will agree that is much easier to build a 25wpc amp that sounds wonderful within it's power range than it is to build a 500wpc channel amp that sounds wonderful in it's power range. It is also a lot cheaper. My theory is that unless your speaker really require amazing power, there is little need to go overboard on power.

Then there are speakers that love power.... Maggie 3.6's.... If I could have fed the Pass X-1000's to my Maggies, I would have. 2000wpc and ungodly amps of current into the Maggies would have made em sing.