Can you ever have too much power?

Is there a limit beyond which power is counter productive? Or is it like cars, where there no reason to have a 454 hp Corvetee other than because you can afford too?
Yes, I used to think that I needed a 3.5 watt 2A3 amp, but I found out that my system did all I wanted with a 2 watt 45 amp instead.
Consider the following. Quad speakers have a protection circuit to keep them from being over driven. However, it has been pointed out more than once that less powerful amplifiers tend to trigger the protection circuit more often than high power amps. Enter current management and headroom; amplifier control is at least as important as Watts and many high power amps do it better.
My Cinepro 3K6II is too much power. I now have so much volume, so fast that my subs can barely be heard. Balance in your system is what you will lose. Along with power comes noise unless you have the big bucks. I will be returning to the 200wpc crowd before too long. Maybe seperate amplifiers next, I haven't decided yet.
Hmmmmmmm, I've always felt that when an amp was running too close to its limits, the sound wasn't as good as when it was just crusin' along not being pushed. I think some headroom is a good thing.